Despite cannabis usage being fully legalized in more than a dozen U.S. states, many enthusiasts still face a fight against stereotypes and stigmas. In California, which is considered the cannabis capital of the U.S., hundreds of municipalities have banned cannabis cultivation, processing, or retail businesses – and in some cases all three. 

Cannabis growth and use are legal in 14 states, two territories, and the District of Columbia; medical cannabis is legal in 36 states and four US territories, yet cannabis is still designated as a Schedule 1 drug by the federal government. This means cannabis companies face challenges with banking, are unable to deduct normal business expenses from their taxes, and are barred from advertising on Facebook and Google – two of the largest platforms for advertising. 

Stigmas and Stereotypes

Stigmas and stereotypes range from believing that cannabis enthusiasts are lazy or unmotivated to perpetuating the harmful depiction that enthusiasts are involved in criminal activity, among several others related to the quality and health-related benefits of cannabis itself. It’s been a slow process, but in the last ten years, the tide of public opinion on cannabis has seen a shift. Ongoing polling by Gallup shows that since 1969, when they started asking people about cannabis legalization, there has been a steady and increasing acceptance of cannabis and 68% of Americans favor legalizing the plant.   

MJ Verdant Cannabis

Perhaps the most well-known anti-drug PSA involved an egg and a hot frying pan: “This is your brain on drugs,” said the voiceover, as the egg crackled and browned. It aired across the U.S. back in 1987 and has been parodied numerous times since then. However, the PSA was reimagined in 2018 as a pro-cannabis PSA created by Artisans on Fire titled “This is Your Brain on Cannabis.” In the PSA, an egg is tossed into a frying pan. The chef then adds fresh vegetables and plates the dish, ending in a colorful and seemingly very appealing appetizer. 

Cannabis enthusiasts cut across all sections of our society – everyone from successful CEOs, celebrities, startup owners, engineers and more. Some individuals are workaholics, even-keeled, and essentially “totally normal.” They just love cannabis, and so do we!

The “stoner stereotype” still exists, but a new image of who a cannabis enthusiast is today has slowly eroded the negative labels that plagued it. Many of our team members have been harmed by the war on drugs and marijuana prohibition. They, along with MJ Verdant’s ownership, aim to remove the stigma associated with cannabis in general through the production of clean cannabis, exemplary compliance and cultivation processes, and an unwavering focus on the consumer and the community.

So, what is MJ Verdant doing?

As part of our mission with MJ Verdant, we created this company and this brand to not only grow exceptional cannabis, but to educate new and familiar consumers, as well as the general community, consequently dissolving the stigma that surrounds cannabis. We believe that cannabis is a healthy and healing plant that benefits people and communities. We will work to break the stigmas toward cannabis, cannabis businesses, and its enthusiasts that still persist – starting with this blog. 

Coming in The Clean Cannabis Blog you will find educational articles, expert interviews, myth debunking, and other relevant cannabis information. We will also feature noteworthy products and profiles. This is where we will dive into some of our business practices—and share what we do and why. We believe so strongly in the power of cannabis to help people and create positive community change.