Picture a group of friends sitting around a picnic table sharing stories and laughs. One of the guys in the group pulls out a jar and passes it around.  “Well, since it’s legal now,” he says, “I thought I’d try the marijuana. Haven’t had any since my college days.” 

For those who came of age in the 80s and 90s the legalization of cannabis in many states feels like it was a long time coming. Lots of people were using it, but it always came with a little bit of stigma and an excessive amount of risk.  Getting pulled over for speeding with the stuff in your car could result in jail time and the loss of your job.  Being at a party on Saturday night would have implications for a surprise random drug test on Tuesday. 

Thankfully, those days are in the past. Marijuana is no longer looked at as a gateway drug. Its recreational and medicinal qualities are gaining mainstream recognition. This is a great time to get reacquainted with cannabis.  However, you should know that it’s not exactly the same as  “back in the day.”

The THC Percentage has Gone Way Up

This is probably one of the most surprising things people find as they get back into consuming cannabis. Nearly every product on the market has seen an increase in THC, which is the chemical that causes the high. 

One of the few and most often cited studies on THC content was released in 2015. For this research, samples of marijuana products were analyzed from various sources from 1995-2014. With two decades worth of data, it became clear that the average THC content in cannabis-based products has risen from 4% to 12%.  

A lot of pot from back in the day was grown and sold by guys down the street. In some cases that guy was a friend or relative but the illegal nature of the plant meant that it had to grow and be processed in secret.

This resulted in a lot of hobbyist-level production. The bag of Marijuana you got was likely flower mixed with a percentage of seeds, leaves and who knows what else.  Any part of the plant that is not flower has a lower THC level effectively diluting the amount of THC in each ounce of product. It was also likely not grown with the ideal amount of nutrients, light and time, which can also lower THC Levels.  

Smuggled Marijuana was even more of a crap shoot. We know light, heat, and time all contribute to the degradation of the cannabinoids in a product.  Who knows what the conditions were like as it was bootlegged into the country? 

THC percentage numbers are a lot higher today.  At MJ Verdant, where we grow many strains, you can find a product with anywhere from 15%-34%. Over time, strains have been bred to increase their THC content. You should be aware that between genetics and quality control, the marijuana you purchase today will probably pack more of a punch than the stuff you used to get from that “guy down the street.”

Cannabis is a Lot Cleaner Today

Modern Growers are held to high standards in Michigan. What you get from your dispensary is tested and regulated by state-certified labs. Anything that you buy has been checked for mold, pests, chemicals and much more.  

When marijuana was illegal, there was no quality control. How damp was the garage or basement the stuff grew in? What kind of pests or molds got onto the plants while they were being grown in a field somewhere?  And what about the smuggled stuff imported from overseas? Who knows what the cannabis was subjected to during that ordeal? 

It’s no longer something you have to worry about.  As long as you purchase from a reputable dispensary you will be getting cleaner cannabis than anything you had in the past. At MJ Verdant, a huge part of our investment in bringing you exceptional cannabis was in the creation of growing rooms and processes that grow an all-natural product that passes inspection without any harmful chemicals or radiation treatment. 

There is a Lot More Marketing

Cannabis marketing in the past was a lot more…personal.  That has all changed now with both growers and dispensaries competing for a slice of the market. It’s created easier access and more choice than ever before, but can make it harder for the consumer to understand what is fluff and what is good information. 

Going back to the THC issue for the moment is a good case in point. A lot of products tout their high THC levels, offering a bigger high. Here, studies suggest that the brain can absorb only so much THC and then the effects plateau.  The user ends up paying more for something that their body won’t be able to actually process or experience. 

THC, CBD, and the overall Terpene Profile all contribute to the experience you have with any strain. As strains are grown with the goal of higher THC numbers, there is a corresponding drop in CBD and Terpene levels. 

It may buck the current trends, but don’t focus on that one number. Try a bunch of different products and then stick with the ones that give you the taste and feeling you like the best. That may or may not be the one with the highest percentage of THC. 

Enjoy. Responsibly. 

Sort of a no-brainer, really. Don’t drive or operate machinery under the influence.  Don’t give it to those who are underage. Do not try to cross an international or state border or enter a federal facility with it on you. It is legal in the states, but not nationally, and it’s not allowed to be brought into other countries, even if they have legalized Marijuana. 

It’s a whole new world out there for cannabis users, past and present.  There are tastes and effects that cover a wide range of experiences.  At MJ Verdant, we are committed to providing exceptional cannabis and giving you plenty of strains to choose from. Ask for us by name at your local dispensary, try out some of our products, and enjoy getting back to relaxing with friends without worrying about the stuff in your baggie or having the police knocking on your door.