If you’re a fan of the winter holidays, then this just might be the most wonderful time of the year (thanks Andy Williams). As you plan your celebrations and get-togethers, we thought it might be helpful to give some reminders for cannabis dos and don’ts that will help you get more out of your marijuana-infused holidays.

(No, we aren’t trying to be Debbie Downer, but we do want you to be safe and have an enjoyable holiday season).

It bears mentioning, we aren’t doctors or lawyers. Many of the dos and don’ts below are common sense and based on anecdotal experience. Any specific questions regarding your plans, health, and legality should be referred to the proper professionals.

Without further ado, let’s start with a “do!”

Cannabis Dos and Dont’s for the Holiday

1. Do Get Yourself High-quality Products.

There are many marijuana products out there and the marketing is getting more sophisticated, too. 

Your first step is to buy from legal dispensaries. Unlike stuff from the black market, today’s legal weed is highly regulated and tested for a whole bunch of stuff you don’t want to put in your body. 

If you are new to the cannabis scene, maybe learn about how THC, CBD, and Terpenes can affect your experience

In the end, it just makes sense to do a little research before you try something new. Getting fresh product, that hasn’t been irradiated is a great first step to an enjoyable experience. 

2. Don’t Drive While High

Pretty obvious, and yet every day someone gets busted. You know it’s dangerous. Your reaction times are slower and decision-making is impaired. It’s not the time to get behind the wheel. 

On top of the danger to you and others, cannabis is not legal on the federal level. So getting pulled over while high can open you up to not just state law enforcement, but also proceedings on the federal level which still can have some pretty harsh consequences. 

3. Do Get a Designated Driver

The best “designated driver” for the Holidays is that friend who doesn’t smoke weed at all! This concept has been around for so long, and it’s a no-brainer. 

Over the holidays, the police will probably have a lot of random but mandatory sobriety checkpoints, so it’s best to have someone at the wheel who won’t be high and can pass any drug test that might come down the road. 

If you don’t have any friends or relatives that you can get around town with, then consider one of the driving services or get a taxi.  

4. Don’t Travel out of State with It

Yes, it’s legal in Michigan and other states. But it’s not legal according to the Federal Government, which, by the way, enforces the laws regarding air travel and border crossings.

Even countries that have legalized cannabis still have laws against bringing it in. So, if your plans involve going to Canada or Mexico, leave your stuff at home. 

If you’re driving across state lines, make sure you know if the state are you traveling through has legalized it, too. If they haven’t and you end up interacting with the local police, it may go badly for you.  

5. Don’t Go Crazy Mixing Stuff

Alcohol and marijuana can have a sort of multiplier effect on each other. Taking them together can enhance the effects of both and leave you much more impaired than you planned. 

You’re more likely to experience dizziness and maybe even get sick when you combine them. If you’re going to have both, keep moderation in mind. No one enjoys the person who gets sick and ruins the party. 

6. Do Use Cannabis to Help You Relieve Holiday Stress

To be fair, medical claims about the stress-reducing effects of marijuana have not been proven. So, this is not medical advice. 

But if you find that a certain strain of weed calms your nerves, then go for it. Getting together with friends and family can be stressful. When it gets too much and time allows, mellow out so you can enjoy those around you. 

7. Do Know Your Audience

When you finally get to the gathering, have a clue about the type of people that are there. If it’s a party where almost everyone frowns on cannabis use, consider waiting until after. 

If the group is a bit more open (or even partaking) to cannabis, this could be a good time to talk to others about what you use and why. They might even enjoy giving it a try. 

The point is to be considerate of others, be discreet if you have to, and be able to talk intelligently about the products you use. Most people still expect pot smokers to be stereotypical stoners. You can enlighten them and maybe bring more peace to the world.

8. Do Go Slower with Edibles

Yes, this is three “do’s” in a row. Edibles can be great. However, it does typically take longer for you to feel the effects. 

Then, once you do, the effects can last longer. Just be aware if you’ve got edibles, too, that the risks of mixing with alcohol or exceeding your limit are a bit higher while your body processes the cannabis you just ate. 

9. Don’t Wreck Your Lungs

This one is aimed a bit more at those new to smoking cannabis. There’s no point in inhaling the smoke and holding it in. The fact is, it doesn’t get you higher. 

THC enters your bloodstream almost immediately. Holding the smoke in only irritates your lungs and makes you cough. You may feel like you’re higher, but that could also just be dizziness from not getting enough air. 

10. Do Enjoy Your Holiday

Turns out that cannabis consumption goes way up during the holidays, and not simply because of stress, either. 

People are looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the company of their friends and family and also maybe getting away from work a bit more. So go out and get some good, quality cannabis and get together with like-minded friends. 

Keeping these 10 cannabis dos and don’ts in mind can help keep you out of trouble. Be safe, be smart, and have a good holiday. 

At MJ Verdant, we take pride in growing and distributing exceptional cannabis. If you would like to try some of our products you can find them at dispensaries all over Michigan. Ask for it by name, or click here to see the closest dispensary near you